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أسانتا غرام أخضر مصقول (ندينغو) أسانتا غرام أخضر مصقول (ندينغو)
أسانتا غرام أخضر مصقول (ندينغو)
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

تمتلك جرامات أسانتا الخضراء المصقولة ملمسًا رقيقًا ورقيقًا، مما يجعلها مناسبة لمختلف تطبيقات الطهي، بدءًا من الحساء والكاري واليخنة إلى الحلويات والبراعم. هذه البقوليات مليئة بالبروتين والألياف الغذائية والفيتامينات والمعادن ومضادات الأكسدة، مما يعزز الصحة العامة والرفاهية. يتمتع الجرام الأخضر المصقول بوقت طهي أقصر نسبيًا مقارنة بالبقوليات الأخرى، مما يجعله خيارًا ممتازًا للوجبات السريعة والمغذية. نظرًا لطبيعتها الرقيقة ومحتواها العالي من الألياف، فإن الجرام الأخضر المصقول معروف بأنه سهل الهضم، مما يجعله خيارًا مناسبًا لمجموعة واسعة من الأنظمة الغذائية.

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عدس اسانتا الأخضر (كاماندي) عدس اسانتا الأخضر (كاماندي)
عدس اسانتا الأخضر (كاماندي)
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

يتميز عدس أسانتا الأخضر (كاماندي) باحتوائه على نسبة عالية من البروتين والألياف الغذائية والفولات والحديد وغيرها من الفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية، مما يساهم في اتباع نظام غذائي متوازن. بفضل نكهته الترابية والقوية، يضيف هذا العدس العمق والمضمون إلى الأطباق المختلفة، مما يعزز المذاق العام مع غرس الثراء في الوصفات. يتمتع هذا العدس بوقت طهي أقصر نسبيًا مقارنة بالبقوليات الأخرى، مما يجعله خيارًا مناسبًا لتحضير وجبات سريعة وصحية. بفضل محتواه الغذائي الغني ومحتواه المنخفض الدهون، يعد العدس الأخضر (كاماندي) بمثابة نظام غذائي ممتاز، حيث يلبي الاحتياجات الغذائية المختلفة، بما في ذلك الأنظمة الغذائية النباتية والنباتية والغنية بالبروتين.

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أسانتا الفاصوليا الصفراء أسانتا الفاصوليا الصفراء
أسانتا الفاصوليا الصفراء
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

تشتهر فاصوليا أسانتا الصفراء بقوامها الكريمي والمخملي، مما يجعلها مثالية للحساء واليخنات والكاري والسلطات، حيث تضيف المادة والنعومة. هذه الفاصوليا مليئة بالبروتين والألياف الغذائية والفولات والبوتاسيوم والحديد والمواد المغذية الأساسية الأخرى. مع وقت الطهي الأقصر نسبيًا مقارنة ببعض الفاصوليا الأخرى، تعد الفاصوليا الصفراء خيارًا مناسبًا وسريع الطهي لتحضير الوجبات المغذية.

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اسانتا الفشار اسانتا الفشار
اسانتا الفشار
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

يتم اختيار حبات فشار أسانتا الخاصة بنا نظرًا لمعدل فرقعتها العالي، مما يضمن أن جميع الحبوب تنفجر عند طهيها. نحن نعطي الأولوية للنضارة، ونضمن تخزين حبات الفشار لدينا في ظروف مثالية للحفاظ على محتواها من الرطوبة، مما يؤدي إلى حبات تنفجر باستمرار وتقدم أقصى قدر من الذوق. توفر حبات الفشار تجربة تناول وجبات خفيفة متعددة الاستخدامات. يمكن أن تكون متبلة حلوة أو مالحة لصنع العديد من النكهات. إن صنع الفشار في المنزل من الحبوب يوفر تجربة ممتعة وجذابة لجميع أفراد الأسرة، مما يعزز لحظات الترابط أثناء الاستمتاع بوجبة خفيفة لذيذة.

  • جديد
Butterfly Rice – Biryani Special - Bulk Purchase | MOQ (24X1Kg / 12X2Kg) Bale Butterfly Rice – Biryani Special - Bulk Purchase | MOQ (24X1Kg / 12X2Kg) Bale
Butterfly Rice – Biryani Special - Bulk Purchase | MOQ (24X1Kg / 12X2Kg) Bale
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

The grain structure of Biryani Special Rice is tailored to absorb the rich flavours of spices and herbs used in biryani recipes. This feature allows for an enhanced infusion of aromas, creating an irresistible aroma that tantalizes the senses. Biryani Special Rice delivers a fluffy yet firm texture that complements the complex layers of flavours in biryani.

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Red Split Lentils - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 1 CARTON Red Split Lentils - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 1 CARTON
Red Split Lentils - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 1 CARTON
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Discover the rich flavours of KOO's Red Split Lentils. Ideal for enhancing soups, stews, and salads, these lentils are a budget-friendly choice for every kitchen. Endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, they're a wonderful addition to your culinary creations.

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Koo Green Split Peas - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 1 CARTON Koo Green Split Peas - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 1 CARTON
Koo Green Split Peas - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 1 CARTON
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Elevate your meals with KOO's Green Split Peas. These peas add a touch of flavour to soups and curries and are convenient for quick meal preparation. Endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, they make every dish a delicious and easy-to-prepare meal.

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التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Experience the taste of Mzansi with KOO's Samp & Beans. A cultural staple, this combination brings a unique flavour to every meal. Affordable and versatile, they are endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, making them an essential part of any dish.

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Whole Brown Lentils - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 CARTONS Whole Brown Lentils - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 CARTONS
Whole Brown Lentils - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 CARTONS
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Embrace the versatility of KOO's Whole Brown Lentils. Perfect for a range of traditional dishes, they're a cost-effective and delicious addition to your kitchen. Endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, these lentils bring heartwarming flavours to every meal.


  • Appearance: They are small, disc-shaped, and have a brownish-green color.
  • Texture: When cooked, they have a tender but firm texture.
  • Flavor: They have a mild, nutty flavor.
  • Nutritional Value: Whole brown lentils are packed with protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. They are also a good source of iron, potassium, and B vitamins.
  • Versatility: Lentils can be used in a variety of dishes, including soups, stews, salads, and curries. They can also be used as a meat substitute.
  • Cooking Time: They typically take around 20-30 minutes to cook.
    • New
    Wholegrain Long Grain Brown Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS Wholegrain Long Grain Brown Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    Wholegrain Long Grain Brown Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

    Wholegrain Long Grain Brown Rice is harvested with the bran layer intact, preserving its natural nutrients. It is known for its chewy texture and nutty flavor, which makes it perfect for a wide variety of dishes. This rice works well as a side dish, in stir-fries, salads, or as a base for curries, stews, and more.


  • High in Fiber: The bran layer provides a good amount of dietary fiber, which promotes digestive health and helps maintain steady blood sugar levels.
  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Brown rice is an excellent source of B vitamins (like niacin and thiamine), magnesium, and antioxidants that are often lost during the milling process of white rice. 
  • The whole grain retains its natural nutty flavor, offering a deeper, richer taste than white rice.
  • It has a firm, chewy texture when cooked, making it a satisfying accompaniment to a variety of dishes. 
  • Side Dish: Perfect as a side dish for meats, vegetables, or stir-fries.
  • In Salads: Works well in salads when chilled or as a base for a grain bowl.
  • In Soups and Stews: Adds hearty texture and flavor to soups, stews, and curries.
    • New
    Extra Long Grain Aromatic Parboiled Basmati Rice - BULK PURCHASE : MOQ 10 PACKS Extra Long Grain Aromatic Parboiled Basmati Rice - BULK PURCHASE : MOQ 10 PACKS
    Extra Long Grain Aromatic Parboiled Basmati Rice - BULK PURCHASE : MOQ 10 PACKS
    التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

    Extra Long Grain Aromatic Parboiled Basmati Rice is a high-quality rice variety known for its fragrant aroma and long, slender grains. Parboiling (partially boiling the rice in its husk) helps the rice retain more nutrients, particularly B vitamins and minerals. This variety is perfect for preparing aromatic dishes like biryanis, pilafs, or simple rice accompaniments.


  • The rice grains are long, slender, and separate easily when cooked, creating a light, fluffy texture.
  • The grains remain firm and do not become sticky, making it ideal for dishes where individual grains are preferred. 
  • The parboiling process helps the rice retain more nutrients than traditional white rice. It has a higher content of B vitamins and essential minerals like iron and magnesium.
  • The process also reduces the cooking time and improves the texture, making it easier to cook while retaining a firm, non-sticky consistency. 
  • Known for its pleasant and distinctive aroma, which is a hallmark of basmati rice. The fragrance adds an extra layer of flavor and enhances the sensory experience of meals.
    • New
    Long Grain Parboiled Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS Long Grain Parboiled Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    Long Grain Parboiled Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

    Long Grain Parboiled Rice has a mild flavor, fluffy texture, and separate grains once cooked. The parboiling process helps retain more vitamins and minerals compared to regular white rice, making it a healthier option. It’s perfect for preparing dishes where the rice needs to remain fluffy and non-sticky, such as pilafs, fried rice, or as a side dish.


  • The long, slender grains remain separate and fluffy after cooking, making it ideal for dishes where individual grains are important.
  • The rice will not become sticky, making it perfect for stir-fries, pilafs, and other dishes that require non-clumpy rice. 
  • Parboiling locks in nutrients like B vitamins, iron, and magnesium, which are typically lost in the milling process of white rice.
  • It retains more nutrients compared to traditional white rice, providing a healthier option. 
  • Parboiled rice cooks faster than regular brown rice, making it a convenient option for home cooks. Typically, it takes around 15–20 minutes to cook.
  • It requires less water than regular white rice, typically a 1:2 ratio of rice to water.
    • New
    Soft and Absorbing Long Grain White Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS Soft and Absorbing Long Grain White Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    Soft and Absorbing Long Grain White Rice - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

    Soft and Absorbing Long Grain White Rice has long, slender grains that tend to stay separate when cooked, giving it a light and fluffy texture. Unlike sticky rice varieties, this rice absorbs flavors well, making it an excellent choice for dishes with rich sauces, broths, or seasonings. Its soft texture also makes it suitable for serving as a side dish or as a base for main courses.


  • Soft and Tender Texture: This rice cooks up soft and fluffy, with tender grains that are not overly firm or chewy, making it a perfect base for many dishes.
  • Excellent Flavor Absorption: The rice’s ability to absorb flavors from broths, sauces, and spices makes it a great choice for dishes like curries, stews, soups, and casseroles.
  • Non-Sticky and Separate Grains: The grains remain separate after cooking, preventing the rice from becoming clumpy or sticky. This makes it ideal for pilafs, fried rice, and as a side dish where distinct grains are desired.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for a wide range of dishes, from traditional Asian cuisines to Western-style meals. It’s perfect for serving with stir-fries, curries, grilled meats, and even in rice puddings or sweet rice dishes.
  • Easy to Cook: This rice is straightforward to prepare, and it cooks faster than many other rice varieties. Typically, it takes around 15-20 minutes to cook, making it a convenient choice for quick meals.
    • New
    Caramelised Onion & Cheddar Flavour - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS Caramelised Onion & Cheddar Flavour - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    Caramelised Onion & Cheddar Flavour - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

    Caramelized Onion & Cheddar Flavour refers to a delicious combination of two classic flavors: the sweet and savory taste of caramelized onions, paired with the rich, sharp, and creamy flavor of cheddar cheese. This pairing is often used in snacks, condiments, sauces, and various dishes, bringing a balance of sweetness, umami, and sharpness.


  • Sweet and Savory Combination: The caramelized onions add a natural sweetness, while the cheddar offers a tangy sharpness, creating a perfectly balanced and savory flavor.

  • Rich, Full Flavor: Both the onions and cheddar are bold flavors that can enhance a wide range of dishes, from appetizers to main courses.

  • Versatile Pairing: This flavor combination is popular in dips, crisps, spreads, and sauces, but can also be used in casseroles, quiches, and even as a topping for burgers and sandwiches.

  • Comfort Food Appeal: The combination is often found in comfort foods and is loved for its nostalgic, satisfying taste, especially when paired with bread, potatoes, or meats.

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    Moroccan Spice & Sweetcorn Flavour - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS Moroccan Spice & Sweetcorn Flavour - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    Moroccan Spice & Sweetcorn Flavour - BULK PURCHASE | MOQ 10 PACKS
    التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

    Moroccan spice blend typically includes ingredients such as cumin, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, paprika, ginger, and sometimes saffron, which give it a rich, aromatic, and slightly earthy flavor profile. When combined with sweetcorn, which provides a natural sweetness and crunch, the result is a flavor-packed blend that works in both savory snacks and hearty dishes.


  • Rich, Aromatic Moroccan Spices: The Moroccan spice mix is known for its complex, aromatic flavors that add depth to any dish. It often features cumin, coriander, cinnamon, paprika, and turmeric, which offer earthy, warm, and slightly spicy notes.

  • Sweet and Crunchy Sweetcorn: The natural sweetness and texture of sweetcorn complement the spiciness and warmth of the Moroccan spices. Sweetcorn’s slightly caramelized flavor enhances the richness of the spices and provides a lovely contrast.

  • Exotic and Bold Flavor Profile: The combination brings together the best of both worlds: the vibrant, bold flavors of North Africa with the natural sweetness of corn, making it a versatile flavoring for various snacks and meals.

  • Versatile Use: This flavor pairing works well in both savory and snack foods, as well as in cooking applications, such as in dips, roasted vegetables, rice dishes, or even as a topping for grilled meats and salads.

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