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ترتيب حسب:
طعام الكلاب الاقتصادي كرونشي 50 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (1 قطعة) طعام الكلاب الاقتصادي كرونشي 50 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (1 قطعة)
طعام الكلاب الاقتصادي كرونشي 50 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (1 قطعة)
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية
KES 9,800.00

USD 75.94

USD 75.94

اقتصاد كرونشي

  • يتم إثراء Krunshi Plus بالبروتين الإضافي والمعادن والفيتامينات لتحسين الصحة العامة لكلبك.
  • المكونات: الحبوب، البروتين النباتي، البروتين الحيواني (أومينا)، المعادن المحسنة، الفيتامينات، مثبت السموم الفطرية، محسن الهضم، مكملات التحكم في الرائحة. .
  • متوفر في: 2 كجم، 5 كجم، 10 كجم، 20 كجم، 50 كجم

  • جديد
طعام الكلاب كرونشي بلس 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع) طعام الكلاب كرونشي بلس 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع)
طعام الكلاب كرونشي بلس 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع)
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية
KES 1,370.00

USD 10.62

USD 10.62

كرونشي بلس

  • يتم إثراء Krunshi Plus بالبروتين الإضافي والمعادن والفيتامينات لتحسين الصحة العامة لكلبك.
  • المكونات: الحبوب، البروتين النباتي، البروتين الحيواني (أومينا)، المعادن المحسنة، الفيتامينات، مثبت السموم الفطرية، محسن الهضم، مكمل للتحكم في الرائحة.
  • متوفر في عبوات 2 كجم و 5 كجم.
  • جديد
توب دوج طعام الكلاب العادي غير المطبوخ 50 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (1 قطعة) توب دوج طعام الكلاب العادي غير المطبوخ 50 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (1 قطعة)
توب دوج طعام الكلاب العادي غير المطبوخ 50 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (1 قطعة)
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية
KES 7,285.00

USD 56.45

USD 56.45

  • يأتي توب دوج العادي (غير المطبوخ) في شكل مسحوق خشن متجانس، وهو سهل وسريع التحضير.
  • طعام متوازن للكلاب يوفر الطاقة المثلى للكلاب النشطة السعيدة، مصمم لسهولة الهضم والامتصاص للحصول على صحة مثالية.
  • يتوفر Top Dog Regular في عبوات 2 كجم، و5 كجم، و10 كجم، و20 كجم، و50 كجم، وهو موجود في السوق منذ عام 1989.
  • يتم تصنيع Top Dog Regular بنظام منظم حديث يضمن منتجات آمنة وصحية.
  • كما أنه خالي من الأفلاتوكسين ويتم اختباره في مختبرات KEBS المعتمدة للتأكد من استيفاء معايير الجودة واستدامتها.
  • يتم تعبئة Top Dog Regular في أكياس شديدة التحمل مصممة بشكل صحيح ومختومة بالحرارة لجعلها محكمة الغلق ومقاومة للتسرب لضمان منتجات طازجة طوال فترة الصلاحية.
  • المكونات: الحبوب، البروتين النباتي، البروتين الحيواني (أومينا)، المعادن، مثبت السموم الفطرية، محسن الهضم.
  • جديد
أرز توب دوج 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع) أرز توب دوج 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع)
أرز توب دوج 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع)
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية
KES 960.00

USD 7.44

USD 7.44

  • أرز توب دوج هو وجبة غير مطبوخة ومتوازنة للكلاب، وهي ممتازة للصحة المثالية لكلابك.
  • فهو يوفر الطاقة المثالية لكلب نشط سعيد، ومصمم لسهولة الهضم والامتصاص.
  • يتوفر أرز توب دوج في عبوات 2 كجم و5 كجم و10 كجم و20 كجم.
  • يقدم Top Dog Rice السمات المميزة لأغذية الحيوانات الأليفة عالية الجودة - الاستساغة والقدرة على تحمل التكاليف.
  • نحن نوصي بشدة باستخدام Top Dog Rice لجميع فئات وسلالات الكلاب.
  • يتم تصنيع Top Dog Rice في نظام منظم حديث يضمن منتجًا آمنًا وصحيًا.
  • كما أنه خالي من الأفلاتوكسين ويتم اختباره في مختبرات KEBS المعتمدة.
  • لقد كان في السوق منذ عام 2015.
  • المكونات: أرز، حبوب، بروتين نباتي، بروتين حيواني (أومينا)، معادن، مثبت للسموم الفطرية، محسن للهضم.
  • جديد
توبدوج جرو أرز ودجاج 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع) توبدوج جرو أرز ودجاج 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع)
توبدوج جرو أرز ودجاج 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك (6 قطع)
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية
KES 1,445.00

USD 11.20

USD 11.20

  • جرو الكلب العلوي ( الأرز والسمك ) يأتي على شكل مسحوق خشن متجانس، سهل وسريع التحضير.
  • طعام متوازن للكلاب يوفر الطاقة المثالية للكلاب النشطة السعيدة، مصمم لسهولة الهضم والامتصاص للحصول على صحة مثالية.
  • جرو الكلب العلوي ( الأرز والسمك ) متوفر في 2 كجم، و5 كجم.
  • جرو الكلب العلوي ( الأرز والسمك ) يتم تصنيعها في نظام منظم حديث يضمن منتجات آمنة وصحية.
  • كما أنه خالي من الأفلاتوكسين ويتم اختباره في مختبرات KEBS المعتمدة للتأكد من استيفاء معايير الجودة واستدامتها.
  • جرو الكلب العلوي ( الأرز والسمك ) معبأة في أكياس شديدة التحمل مصممة بشكل صحيح ومختومة بالحرارة لجعلها محكمة الغلق ومقاومة للتسرب لضمان الحصول على منتجات طازجة طوال فترة الصلاحية
  • المكونات: أرز، منتج القمح، بروتين السمك، أحماض أوميجا 3 الدهنية، ملح، بروتين نباتي، زيت نباتي، دقيق العظام، معادن، فيتامينات، مثبت السموم الفطرية، محسن الهضم.
  • جديد
طعام الكلاب من توبدوج، أرز وأسماك، 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك 1 كرتون طعام الكلاب من توبدوج، أرز وأسماك، 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك 1 كرتون
طعام الكلاب من توبدوج، أرز وأسماك، 5 كجم - شراء بالجملة | موك 1 كرتون
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية
KES 1,445.00

USD 11.20

USD 11.20

يحتوي على جميع الفيتامينات والمعادن التي يحتاجها حيوانك الأليف ليظل سعيدًا وصحيًا ونشطًا. مصنوعة من الأسماك الطبيعية. مصدر للكربوهيدرات والطاقة سهل الهضم ويعتقد أنه سهل على المعدة.

  • جديد
Livestock Feeds Super Broiler Starter Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds Super Broiler Starter Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds Super Broiler Starter Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية


  1. Balanced Nutrition: Contains an optimal balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids to ensure healthy growth and development.
  2. High Protein Content: Rich in high-quality proteins to support muscle development and weight gain.
  3. Enhanced Immunity: Fortified with vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system and promote overall health.
  4. Digestibility: Includes easily digestible ingredients to ensure maximum nutrient absorption and efficient feed conversion.
  5. Palatability: Formulated to be highly palatable, encouraging consistent feed intake from day one.


  • Rapid Growth: Supports fast and healthy growth, helping broiler chickens reach market weight quickly.
  • Strong Immunity: Enhances immune response, reducing the risk of disease and improving overall flock health.
  • Efficient Feed Conversion: Optimizes feed efficiency, leading to better growth rates and reduced feed costs.
  • Improved Health: Ensures balanced nutrition for healthy bones, feathers, and overall well-being.


  • Corn
  • Soybean meal
  • Fish meal
  • Wheat bran
  • Vitamins (A, D3, E, K, B12)
  • Minerals (Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium)
  • Essential amino acids (Lysine, Methionine)
  • Antioxidants
  • Probiotics

Usage Instructions: Feed Super Broiler Starter Mash to broiler chickens from day one up to 21 days of age. Ensure fresh, clean water is always available. Store in a cool, dry place to maintain feed quality.

Packaging: Available in 25 kg and 50 kg bags.

For more information or to place an order, please contact us at [Contact Information].

Note: Always consult with a poultry nutritionist or veterinarian for specific feeding recommendations and to tailor the feed program to your flock's needs.

  • New
Livestock Feeds Broiler Starter Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds Broiler Starter Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds Broiler Starter Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Key Features:

  1. High-Quality Protein Sources:

    • Contains essential amino acids to support muscle development and growth.
    • Balanced protein levels to promote optimal weight gain.
  2. Energy-Rich Ingredients:

    • Provides adequate energy levels to fuel the high metabolic rates of young broilers.
    • Includes easily digestible carbohydrates for quick energy release.
  3. Vitamins and Minerals:

    • Fortified with essential vitamins and minerals to support immune function, bone development, and overall health.
    • Includes calcium and phosphorus for strong skeletal growth.
  4. Digestive Health:

    • Incorporates prebiotics and probiotics to promote a healthy gut flora.
    • Enhances nutrient absorption and reduces the risk of digestive disorders.
  5. Quality Control:

    • Manufactured under stringent quality control measures to ensure consistency and safety.
    • Free from harmful additives and contaminants.

Usage Instructions:

  • Feed Broiler Starter Mash from day-old chicks up to 4 weeks of age.
  • Ensure fresh, clean water is always available.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


  • Supports rapid growth and development.
  • Improves feed conversion efficiency.
  • Enhances overall health and immunity.
  • Promotes strong bones and muscle formation.


  • Corn, soybean meal, fish meal, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, prebiotics, probiotics, and other essential nutrients.


  • Available in 25 kg and 50 kg bags.

Ideal For:

  • Poultry farmers seeking optimal growth performance for their broiler chickens.
  • Ensuring a strong start for broilers to achieve desired market weight efficiently.
  • New
Livestock Feeds Broiler Finisher Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds Broiler Finisher Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds Broiler Finisher Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Key Features:

  • Balanced Nutrition: Contains an ideal balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to support rapid growth and muscle development.
  • Energy-Rich: High-energy content to meet the increased metabolic demands of broilers in the finishing phase.
  • Enhanced Palatability: Formulated to be highly palatable, encouraging consistent feed intake.
  • Digestibility: Includes ingredients that promote easy digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Growth Promoters: May contain natural growth promoters and supplements to boost growth rates and improve feed efficiency.
  • Health Benefits: Supports immune function and overall health, reducing the risk of diseases and improving the quality of meat.


  • Corn
  • Soybean meal
  • Wheat
  • Fish meal
  • Vegetable oils
  • Vitamins (A, D, E, K, B-complex)
  • Minerals (Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium)
  • Amino acids (Lysine, Methionine)

Feeding Instructions:

  • Age Range: 4 to 6 weeks and beyond, until the broilers are ready for processing.
  • Daily Intake: Feed ad libitum (free choice) to ensure maximum growth potential.
  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to maintain freshness and nutritional quality.


  • Promotes rapid weight gain and muscle development.
  • Ensures high feed conversion efficiency.
  • Improves overall meat quality with better texture and flavor.
  • Reduces the time to market, enhancing profitability for poultry farmers.


  • Available in 25 kg and 50 kg bags, designed for easy handling and storage.

Usage Tips:

  • Ensure fresh, clean water is always available.
  • Monitor the health and growth of broilers regularly and adjust feed as necessary.
  • Follow recommended feeding guidelines to prevent overfeeding and feed wastage.

By choosing Broiler Finisher Mash, poultry farmers can ensure their broilers achieve optimal growth rates and produce high-quality meat, contributing to a successful and profitable poultry farming operation.

  • New
Livestock Feeds Grower Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds Grower Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds Grower Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Key Features:

  • Nutrient-Rich Formula: Packed with high-quality ingredients, including grains, legumes, and essential supplements, to provide a balanced diet for growing poultry.
  • Supports Healthy Growth: Ensures that your birds receive the necessary nutrients to develop strong bones, muscles, and feathers.
  • Improves Immunity: Enriched with vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system, keeping your birds healthy and resistant to diseases.
  • Enhances Digestive Health: Contains probiotics and fiber to promote a healthy digestive system and improve feed efficiency.
  • Easy to Feed: Comes in a finely ground mash form, making it easy for young birds to consume and digest.


  • Corn
  • Soybean Meal
  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Fish Meal
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Dicalcium Phosphate
  • Salt
  • Vitamin Premix
  • Mineral Premix
  • Probiotics

Feeding Instructions:

  • Provide Grower Mash from 6 weeks of age until the birds reach maturity.
  • Ensure fresh, clean water is available at all times.
  • Store in a cool, dry place to maintain freshness and nutritional quality.

Packaging Options:

  • Available in 5kg, 10kg, and 25kg bags.

Why Choose Grower Mash? Grower Mash is specially formulated to meet the dietary requirements of growing poultry, ensuring they develop into healthy, productive birds. With our nutrient-rich formula, you can be confident that your birds are receiving the best possible care for their growth and well-being.

  • New
Livestock Feeds Layer Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds Layer Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds Layer Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Key Features:

  1. Nutrient-Rich Formula:

    • Balanced mix of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
    • Fortified with calcium for strong eggshells.
  2. Improved Egg Production:

    • Enhances laying rate.
    • Supports consistent egg size and quality.
  3. Digestibility:

    • Easy to digest ingredients.
    • Promotes better nutrient absorption.
  4. Health Benefits:

    • Boosts immune system.
    • Supports overall hen health and vitality.
  5. Natural Ingredients:

    • Made from natural grains and seeds.
    • Free from harmful additives and antibiotics.

Feeding Instructions: Provide Layer Mash as the primary diet for laying hens. Ensure clean, fresh water is always available. Adjust the quantity based on the number of hens and their consumption rate.

Packaging: Available in various bag sizes to suit different flock sizes and management practices.

Ideal For:

  • Backyard poultry keepers.
  • Small to medium-scale egg producers.
  • Anyone looking to maximize the health and productivity of their laying hens.


  • Enhanced egg production.
  • Stronger eggshells.
  • Improved hen health and longevity.

Layer Mash is the perfect choice for poultry farmers who want to ensure their hens are healthy and productive. By providing a balanced and nutritious diet, Layer Mash helps achieve optimal results in egg production.

  • New
Livestock Feeds Chick Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds Chick Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds Chick Mash - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Key Features:

  • Balanced Nutrition: Chick Mash contains a well-balanced mix of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and energy sources essential for the healthy development of chicks.
  • High Protein Content: Rich in high-quality protein to support muscle development and growth.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Fortified with essential vitamins (such as A, D, and E) and minerals (like calcium and phosphorus) to ensure proper bone development and immune system support.
  • Digestibility: Made with easily digestible ingredients to promote efficient nutrient absorption and reduce digestive stress.
  • Palatability: Designed to be highly palatable, encouraging chicks to eat and ensuring they get the nutrients they need.


  • Maize
  • Soybean Meal
  • Fish Meal
  • Vegetable Oils
  • Vitamins and Mineral Premix
  • Amino Acids
  • Enzymes
  • Antioxidants

Feeding Instructions:

  • Age Range: Feed from day-old to 6 weeks of age.
  • Feeding Rate: Ensure chicks have constant access to fresh feed. Refill feeders regularly to maintain a clean and abundant supply.


  • Promotes healthy growth and development.
  • Supports strong skeletal structure.
  • Enhances immune system function.
  • Improves overall vitality and well-being of chicks.

Packaging: Available in 5kg, 10kg, and 25kg bags to cater to different flock sizes and needs.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Ensure the packaging is sealed properly to maintain freshness and prevent contamination.

Conclusion: Chick Mash is an ideal starter feed for young poultry, providing all the necessary nutrients to ensure they grow into healthy, productive birds. By choosing Chick Mash, poultry farmers can give their chicks the best start in life.

  • New
Livestock Feeds AquaMax Fish Feed - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds AquaMax Fish Feed - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds AquaMax Fish Feed - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية

Key Features:

  • High-Quality Ingredients: Made from top-quality fish meal, grains, and essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Complete Nutrition: Formulated to provide a balanced diet that promotes optimal growth, immune health, and overall vitality.
  • Variety of Sizes: Available in multiple pellet sizes to accommodate different species and growth stages.
  • Enhanced Palatability: Specially designed to be highly palatable to encourage feed intake.
  • Low Waste Formula: Helps maintain water quality by reducing uneaten feed and fish waste.
  • Floating and Sinking Options: Available in both floating and sinking varieties to suit different feeding habits.

Nutritional Information:

  • Protein: 45%
  • Fat: 12%
  • Fiber: 3%
  • Ash: 10%
  • Moisture: 10%

Suitable For:

  • All freshwater and saltwater fish species
  • Fish in various life stages, from juvenile to adult
  • Aquaculture operations
  • Ornamental fish in aquariums and ponds

Feeding Instructions:

  • Feed 2-3 times daily, offering only as much as fish can consume within 5 minutes.
  • Adjust feeding amounts based on fish size, water temperature, and activity level.
  • Store in a cool, dry place to maintain freshness.

Packaging Options:

  • 1 lb, 5 lbs, 10 lbs, and 50 lbs bags
  • Resealable packaging to maintain freshness

Why Choose AquaMax Fish Feed?

AquaMax Fish Feed is trusted by aquarists and fish farmers alike for its consistent quality and results. By choosing AquaMax, you ensure that your fish receive the best nutrition, leading to healthier, more vibrant, and more productive fish.

  • New
Livestock Feeds Layer Concentrate - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags Livestock Feeds Layer Concentrate - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
Livestock Feeds Layer Concentrate - Bulk Purchase | MOQ 2 Bags
التوفر: في الأوراق المالية
  • Skincare/Cosmetics:

    • Description: Layer Concentrate is a potent, multi-functional serum designed to penetrate deeply into the skin. It targets multiple skin concerns such as aging, dehydration, and uneven texture. Enriched with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid, peptides, and vitamins, it helps to rejuvenate and hydrate the skin, promoting a radiant and youthful appearance.
    • Usage: Apply a few drops to clean, dry skin before moisturizing. Use morning and night for best results.
  • Food/Beverages:

    • Description: Layer Concentrate is a highly concentrated flavor enhancer used in the food and beverage industry. It provides intense flavor profiles with minimal usage, making it ideal for creating layered, complex tastes in culinary creations or beverages.
    • Usage: Add a small amount to recipes or drinks to enhance flavor. Adjust according to taste preference.
  • Paints/Coatings:

    • Description: Layer Concentrate is a high-performance additive used in paints and coatings. It enhances durability, adhesion, and color intensity, ensuring a long-lasting and vibrant finish. Suitable for both industrial and residential applications.
    • Usage: Mix with base paint or coating as directed. Apply using standard painting techniques.
  • Agriculture:

    • Description: Layer Concentrate is a nutrient-rich additive designed to improve soil quality and plant health. It contains essential minerals and organic compounds that promote robust plant growth and increase crop yields.
    • Usage: Dilute with water and apply to soil or plants as per instructions.
    • New

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