USD 830.00
USD 830.00
يعتبر القلقاس المجمد خيارًا مناسبًا للاستمتاع بهذه الخضروات الجذرية النشوية دون الحاجة إلى تقشير وتقطيع القلقاس الطازج. القلقاس هو نبات استوائي يُزرع عادة بسبب الديدان الصالحة للأكل (الجذع تحت الأرض) والأوراق. يستخدم على نطاق واسع في العديد من المأكولات حول العالم. لتحضير القلقاس المجمد، يمكنك ببساطة غليه أو طهيه بالبخار حتى يصبح طريًا. يمكنك بعد ذلك استخدامه في مجموعة متنوعة من الأطباق، مثل الحساء واليخنات والكاري أو حتى الحلويات. للقلقاس نكهة خفيفة وجوزية وقوام نشوي يشبه البطاطس. يمكن أن تمتص نكهات الأطباق التي يتم طهيها فيها، مما يجعلها مكونًا متعدد الاستخدامات.
القلقاس هو أيضًا نبات مغذي وغني بالألياف والفيتامينات والمعادن. يحتوي على كميات كبيرة من فيتامين E وفيتامينات B والبوتاسيوم والمغنيسيوم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يعتبر القلقاس مصدرًا جيدًا للكربوهيدرات المعقدة، مما يوفر طاقة مستدامة. يمكن أن يوفر استخدام القلقاس المجمد الوقت في المطبخ، حيث تم تنظيفه وتقشيره وتقطيعه بالفعل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، نظرًا لأنه يتم تجميده في ذروة نضارته، فإنه يحتفظ بالكثير من نكهته وقيمته الغذائية. سواء كنت تقوم بإعداد طبق القلقاس التقليدي أو تجربة وصفات جديدة، يمكن أن يكون القلقاس المجمد إضافة مريحة ولذيذة لوجباتك.
رمز SKU للبائع: | SF-2221B |
حالة: | New |
التوفر: | في الأوراق المالية |
أقل كمية ممكن طلبها: | 1 |
التاريخ المدرج لأول مرة على Zandaux: | May 14, 2024 |
Frozen taro is a convenient option for enjoying this starchy root vegetable without the hassle of peeling and cutting fresh taro. Taro is a tropical plant commonly grown for its edible corms (underground stem) and leaves. It's widely used in various cuisines around the world. To prepare frozen taro, you can simply boil or steam it until tender. You can then use it in a variety of dishes, such as soups, stews, curries, or even desserts. Taro has a mild, nutty flavor and a starchy texture, similar to potatoes. It can absorb the flavors of the dishes it's cooked in, making it a versatile ingredient.
Taro is also a nutritious vegetable, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It contains significant amounts of vitamin E, B-vitamins, potassium, and magnesium. Additionally, taro is a good source of complex carbohydrates, providing sustained energy. Using frozen taro can save you time in the kitchen, as it's already cleaned, peeled, and chopped. Plus, since it's frozen at its peak freshness, it retains much of its flavor and nutritional value. Whether you're making a traditional taro dish or experimenting with new recipes, frozen taro can be a convenient and delicious addition to your meals.
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عضو منذ: منذ 8 أشهر
Established in 2002, Safe Food Ltd has emerged as a leading
company in the field of agricultural investment in Egypt. With a commitment to
excellence and customer satisfaction, we have dedicated ourselves to producing
high-quality, safe foods that are free of pesticides and heavy metals.
At Safe Food Ltd, we prioritize our customers' health and
well-being. Our products are guaranteed to be free from harmful substances,
ensuring you receive only the best quality produce. We utilize advanced
technology and adhere to stringent quality control measures at every step of
the production process:
✅ Selecting the Best Free Area:
We choose the most suitable and uncontaminated regions for farming.
✅ Selecting Seeds and Seedlings:
We carefully select the highest quality seeds and seedlings.
✅ Planting: We implement precise
planting techniques to ensure optimal growth.
✅ Modern Irrigation Systems: Our
advanced irrigation methods ensure water efficiency and sustainability.
✅ Natural Fertilizing and
Sensitive Harvesting: We use natural fertilizers and practice gentle harvesting
techniques to maintain the integrity and safety of our produce.
Our Mission:
To provide world-class quality agricultural products to our
Our Vision:
To become the leading exporter of food products worldwide.
Our Values
We believe in offering the widest variety to our customers,
allowing them to choose what fits their needs best. At Safe Food Ltd, we are
dedicated to innovation, sustainability, and excellence in all our endeavors.
✅ Experience: Over two
decades of expertise in agricultural investment and food production.
✅ Quality Assurance:
Rigorous quality control measures ensuring pesticide and heavy metal-free
✅ Customer-Centric: A
strong commitment to meeting and exceeding customer requirements.
✅ Top-Quality and Safe
Products: We guarantee that all our products are free from pesticides and
heavy metals. Your health is our top priority.
✅ Advanced Technology:
From selecting the best areas and seedlings to using modern irrigation systems
and natural fertilization, we employ high technology at every step to ensure
premium quality.
At Safe Food Ltd, we are dedicated to enhancing the health
and well-being of our customers through superior agricultural practices and
innovative solutions. Trust us to deliver the highest quality food products,
cultivated with care and precision.
Explore the difference with Safe Food Ltd – your trusted
partner in agricultural investment and food safety.
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