Dixie Pink Sweet William showcases delicate pink flowers that are arranged in dense clusters, creating a beautiful display. The plant produces an abundance of fragrant blooms that not only add visual appeal but also enhance the sensory experience in your garden. This hardy perennial returns each year, ensuring vibrant pink color and fragrance season after season with minimal care. Its compact, bushy growth makes it ideal for small garden spaces, containers, or flower borders.
Dixie Red Rose Bicolor Sweet William produces clusters of vibrant flowers that showcase a captivating combination of deep red at the center and soft rose-pink at the edges. These bicolor blooms add a touch of drama and beauty to any garden. The fragrant flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, enhancing the biodiversity of your garden. As a perennial, it returns each year to provide consistent color and fragrance with minimal care. Its compact, bushy growth makes it ideal for small spaces, containers, or flower borders.