Molimba M Pink is a captivating variety of hibiscus known for its large, pink blooms. This tropical shrub is a popular choice for gardens and containers due to its striking appearance and long blooming period.
Molimba M White is a captivating variety of hibiscus known for its large, pure white blooms. This tropical shrub is a popular choice for gardens and containers due to its striking appearance and long blooming period.
Molimba M Yellow is a captivating variety of hibiscus known for its large, yellow blooms. This tropical shrub is a popular choice for gardens and containers due to its striking appearance and long blooming period.
Aristo Crimson is a stunning variety of Dianthus, commonly known as China Pink. This flowering plant is prized for its vibrant crimson blooms and fragrant aroma.
Aristo Formula Mix is a popular variety of Dianthus, commonly known as China Pink. It's prized for its vibrant, fragrant flowers and compact growth habit.
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Aristo Pink with Eye Imp is a beautiful variety of Dianthus, commonly known as China Pink. This flower is prized for its vibrant pink color and distinctive eye-like markings at the center of each petal.
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Aristo Scarlet is a popular variety of Dianthus, commonly known as China Pink. It's a flowering plant prized for its vibrant, scarlet-red blooms and fragrant scent.
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Aristo White Imp is a beautiful variety of Dianthus, commonly known as China Pink. It is prized for its delicate, white flowers and compact growth habit.
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Armada Pink is a beautiful perennial plant known for its vibrant pink flowers and low-growing habit. It is commonly referred to as Thrift or Sea Thrift.
Armada Rose is a beautiful variety of Thrift, also known as Sea Thrift or Thrift Plant. It is prized for its compact, mounding habit and vibrant pink flowers.
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Armada White is a beautiful perennial plant known for its clusters of tiny, white flowers. It's a popular choice for rock gardens, containers, and edging in coastal gardens.
Henry I Blue is a stunning perennial plant known for its vibrant blue flowers. It's a popular choice for adding color to fall gardens and attracting pollinators.
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Henry I Pink is a beautiful perennial aster known for its vibrant pink flowers and late-season bloom. It's a popular choice for adding color to gardens in the fall.
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Henry I Purple is a perennial flowering plant known for its vibrant purple blooms and late-season flowering. It's a popular choice for gardens and cut flower arrangements.
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LTD Believer Purple is a perennial flowering plant known for its vibrant purple blooms and late-season flowering. It's a popular choice for gardens and cut flower arrangements.