USD 2.67
USD 2.67
بذور الفلفل الأصفر عالية الجودة بكميات كبيرة بسعر الجملة
USD 147.60
USD 147.60
قرع أصفر عالي الجودة بكميات كبيرة بسعر الجملة
USD 144.51
USD 144.51
أعلى جودة بذور Squashy sky F1 بكميات كبيرة بسعر الجملة
USD 28.59
USD 28.59
USD 8.56
USD 8.56
USD 11.90
USD 11.90
بذور الكزبرة طويلة الأمد عالية الجودة بسعر المصنع
Agro-Ecological Zone:: Tropical low and mid altitudes. 0-1200 masl
Potiential Yield Per HA (MT ) : 5 - 6 MT/HA, Under good agronomy practices.
Maturity: 90 - 120 days.
Suitable: Suitable for areas where rainfall regime is 2 - 2.5 months. Good tolerance to MSV, GLS and blight. Tolerant to drought and low nitrogen.
Product Features:
Flint heavy kernel
Sweet grain
Excellent for roasting
Heavy Grains
While white cauliflower might be the norm, new colorful counterparts are rising in popularity. These flavorful heads have climbed to popularity with low-calorie, low-carb, and gluten-free health-conscious partakers. Packed with an abundance of vitamins and minerals, the vibrant veggies can bring growers premium prices from high demand.
Tomatoes are one of the most popular and versatile fruits in the world, used in a variety of dishes and cuisines. But behind their juicy and delicious appearance lies complex breeding innovations that can allow them to last longer or make them resilient to evolving threats on a warming planet.
Product Features:
Produce aisles in many parts of the world are becoming more colourful, as a new, deep purple cocktail tomato makes its way onto shelves. Purple tomatoes which bursts with a uniquely savory flavor and derives its distinctive color from an abundance of antioxidants.
Product Features:
Watermelon comes in many different shapes and sizes, and both with and without seeds. Understanding not only the agronomic characteristics that growers need to succeed but also the demands of consumers is important to help promote this fruit. At Syngenta Vegetable Seeds, we take into account consumer preferences and the growing conditions around the world to find the best varieties.
Angello is an innovative sweet and seedless pepper that is rich with aromatics, delectable and delicate, yet capable of conquering even the most demanding consumer trends and meeting the flavor desires of all.
Product Features: