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Herbs hut Anise 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Anise 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Anise 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

including pfeffnussespringerle and biscotti. Fresh chopped leaves are appealing in soups, stews, sauces and salads. According to Medieval herbologists, anise is an aphrodisiac, and the seeds have been found to contain estrogenic compounds. Drinks containing oil of anise remain transparent until water is added, causing the oil to “bloom” in a milky white or pale green clouds called a louche. Absinthe is the most famous anise-flavoured drink, and during the 19th century it was the favourite drink of Degas, Picasso, Van Gogh, and Wilde.

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Herbs hut Bay laurel - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Bay laurel - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Bay laurel - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Industrial
Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 8-10) 
When to Sow: Spring
Ease of Germination: Moderate/Special Treatment Required Like wine,

thyme and leeks, bay leaf is a foundation flavour of French cuisine. Meat, fish and poultry dishes almost always have a touch. Frost-sensitive small trees; best grown in tubs that afford easy movement indoors during winter. Note: Bay seeds will not germinate if they dry out too much in storage.

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Herbs hut Calendula - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Calendula - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Calendula - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Calendula flowers Calendula tinctures, ointments, and washes are commonly used to speed the healing of burns, bruises, and cuts, as well as the minor infections they cause. Calendula cream is also used to treat hemorrhoids. Animal studies show that calendula does appear to speed wound healing, possibly by increasing blood flow to the wounded area and by helping the body produce collagen proteins, which are used to heal skin and connective tissue.

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Herbs hut Carawy - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Carawy - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Carawy - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Caraway seeds Caraway seeds and oil have properties associated with improving gastric problems, flatulence, and indigestion ,caraway plant contains fixed oil along with carbohydrate and protein. Caraway is a carminative. Carminatives are herbs that help to ameliorate gastrointestinal pain, and associated gas pain. The volatile oil of caraway may also be a useful remedy for bowel spasms

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Herbs hut Cardamom - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Cardamom - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Cardamom - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Uses: Culinary/Medicinal/Industrial 

Duration: Perennial (hardy in zones 8-10) 

When to Sow: Anytime 

Ease of Germination: Difficult 

Ground seeds are essential in Indian cuisine; featured in the best of Indian curries, biryanis, pilaus, and dhals, and an important member of the spice mixture, garam masala. Cardamom’s perfumed flavour is delicious in lassi, the famous yogurt drink of India, and in Indian spiced tea. Scandinavians are particularly fond of its liberal use in pastries. Leaves are used in curries inTrinidad. Makes an appealing houseplant with its perfumed leaves, even if it is difficult to coax into bloom

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Herbs hut Chamomile - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Chamomile - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Chamomile - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Chamomile powder Chamomile flower Chamomile is a versatile herb medicinally that treats a plethora of common ailments. Generally, there are three categories of use – as an anti-inflammatory for the skin, as an anti-infective for many common ailments, and as an anti-spasmodic for such problems as stomach cramps and indigestion, Used in a Tea, or in Capsule form, Chamomile flowers are used internally for many common physical symptoms, including menstrual cramps, stomach cramps, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, fever, colds, congestion, headaches, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, stress, nervousness, and poor digestion. For babies, it is helpful with symptoms of colic and teething pain.

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Herbs hut Chili pepper 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Chili pepper 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Chili pepper 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Uses: Chili peppers can be eaten raw or cooked. Hot chilis are used chopped and raw in salads or can be cooked, for example in stir-fried dishes. In many countries they are processed into spicy sauces or hot salsas. Chili peppers are preserved by drying and then they are often grounded to chili powders, either pure or mixed with other spices. Other ways of preservation include pickling and freezing.

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Herbs hut Cinnamon 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Cinnamon 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Cinnamon 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

The commercial Cinnamon bark is the dried inner bark of the shoots. 
Cinnamon has a fragrant perfume, taste aromatic and sweet; when distilled it only gives a very small quantity of oil, with a delicious flavour. 

Constituents:0 to 10 per cent of volatile oil, tannin, mucilage and suga. 
Uses: Carminative, astringent, stimulant, antiseptic; more powerful as a local than as a general stimulant; is prescribed in powder and infusion but usually combined with other medicines. It stops vomiting, relieves flatulence, and given with chalk and astringents is useful for diarrhoea and haemorrhage of the womb. 

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Herbs hut Cloves 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Cloves 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Cloves 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Clove trees absorb an enormous amount of moisture, and if placed near water their weight is visibly increased after a few hours; dishonest dealers often make use of this knowledge in their dealings, and the powdered stems are often sold as pure powdered Cloves. 

Constituents:    Volatile oil, gallotannic acid; two crystalline principles – Caryophyllin, which is odourless and appears to be a phylosterol, Eugenin; gum, resin, fibre. 
Uses:The most stimulating and carminative of all aromatics; given in powder or infusion for nausea emesis, flatulence, languid indigestion and dyspepsia, and used chiefly to assist the action of other medicines. The medicinal properties reside in the volatile oil. The oil must be kept in dark bottles in a cool place. If distilled with water, salt must be added to raise the temperature of ebullition and the same Cloves must be distilled over and over again to get their full essence. 
The oil is frequently adulterated with fixed oil and oil of Pimento and Copaiba. As a local irritant it stimulates peristalsis. It is a strong germicide, a powerful antiseptic, a feeble local anaesthetic applied to decayed teeth, and has been used with success as a stimulating expectorant in phthisis and bronchial troubles. Fresh infusion of Cloves contains astringent matter as well as the volatile oil. The infusion and Clove water are good vehicles for alkalies and aromatics. 

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Herbs hut Coriander - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Coriander - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Coriander - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Coriander The seeds were chewed as a breath freshene

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Herbs hut Cumin - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Cumin - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Cumin - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Uses: Culinary/Industrial
Duration: Annual
When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Easy
Seeds are important in many international cuisines, including those of India and Mexico. Flavor resembles caraway but is hotter. Used in soups, cake, bread, cheese, and is a standard ingredient of commercial curry powders. Requires a long warm growing season; should be started indoors in colder climates.

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Herbs hut Dill - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Dill - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Dill - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Botanical Name ( Anethum Graveolens )

Available Form:  Dill Tips crushed Leaves

Size: 2-3 mm

Packing: 25 kg P.P Bags or depend upon client requirement

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Herbs hut Fennel - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Fennel - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Fennel - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Fennel seeds Fennel is used as a flavoring in some natural toothpaste. Some people employ it as a diuretic. Others use it to improve the milk supply of breastfeeding mothers

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Herbs hut Fenugreek - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Fenugreek - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Fenugreek - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock

Fenugreek seeds As a medicinal plant, fenugreek has traditionally been considered a carminative, demulcent, expectorant, laxative, and stomachic. Fenugreek has been used topically for abscesses, boils, burns, eczema, gout, and ulceration of the skin as it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Fenugreek has been used orally for loss of appetite and stomach complaints.

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Herbs hut Ginger 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons) Herbs hut Ginger 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Herbs hut Ginger 1 - Bulk Purchase | MOQ(20 cartons)
Availability: In Stock


Ginger has a long history as an herbal remedy for upset stomach, motion sickness, and loss of appetite and as a pungent spice for cooking. Some controlled studies in humans show ginger reduces nausea and vomiting from some causes. Most clinical studies of ginger have tested the use of this herb for nausea associated with pregnancy or following surgery. Tests of how well it might relieve nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy are still going on. There are a number of conventional medicines for the nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Available scientific evidence does not support claims that ginger can add to the effectiveness of these medicines. But some people with cancer find that the taste or aroma of beverages and foods with ginger helps soothe their nausea. Ginger may interfere with blood clotting and should only be used by cancer patients after talking about it with their doctors. This concern applies mostly to people whose clotting function is already weakened by their cancer or its treatment or to people having surgery.

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